Who am I?

My name is Angel Perez, Information engineer, backend developer, polyglot (ES/EN/FR), self-trained, not-so-amateur photographer, nerd about all things music, and Venezuelan expat living in València.

What I do

I've been crafting state-of-the-art Ruby applications in remote fashion since 2017 throughout multiple industries and open-source projects. From 2020 to 2022, I've had the opportunity to lead a small, distributed engineering team across the Americas.

Besides software engineering, I'm also deeply interested in art, history, languages, literature, music (I consider myself a music-driven human being), psychology, and philosophy.


I'm currently available for hire! Feel free to reach out through any of the links below if you believe we could work together :)

Likewise, if you need to check out my résumé in a more conventional way, you can do so by clicking here for English or here for a Spanish-speaking version.